MINDORO | White Beach – Puerto Galera

We spent the Year 2012 Holy Week at Puerto Galera.  It was an outreach activity for the Mangyan Village in Talipanan and a supposedly Talipanan climb but with the kiddos in the trip, we decided to cancel the climb and just enjoyed White Beach.

Before we left Manila, we packed already the goodies for the Mangyan kids.  We were able to gather a total of 75 sets of school bags and supplies.  Thanks to the sponsors and to my school-based mountaineering group for making this project a reality.

Day 1

We left the Metro at around 3am to catch the first trip to Puerto Galeraand by 6:15am we started sailing.  By 10am, we docked at White Beach and met the other members who were at Galera days ahead.  As it was a long-weekend, prices were high and resorts are fully booked.  It was through the advance team that we got our place at a good price.
Just after lunch, the kids were in the water unmindful of the gruelling sun.  We gave them a watchful eye as we enjoyed some bite.  Before sunset, we were surprised by the flock of people emerging at the beach.  All of a sudden, the environment became a huge swimming party for everyone.
White Beach Puerto Galera, sunset at White Beach Puerto Galera, puerto galera beach, white beach, best beach puerto galera, how to go to puerto galera, batangas puerto galera trip

The party continuous all night long.  There were fire dancers and the beach became a dance floor where you can party hop from one bar to another.  Some had there personal moments by the shoreline as they simply watch the tide with a bottle of drinks.

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Day 2

Talipanan Elementary School, sunset at White Beach Puerto Galera, puerto galera beach, white beach, best beach puerto galera, how to go to puerto galera, batangas puerto galera trip
We visited the Mangyan village to handover the goodies for the Mangyan kids.  We met the Principal while the kiddos played with the Mangyan children.  According to the Principal, they have a PISO a meal program where the pupils will be given a full meal in exchange for P1 but the sad reality, some can't afford even the P1 meal.

After the activity, we hiked the Talipanan falls where we had lunch and enjoyed the early afternoon.  Then before 3pm, we were back at the beach for another swim.  This time, the crowd was lesser and the party subsided... Maybe most tourist had returned to the Metro already.

TALIPANAN FALLS PUERTO GALERA MINDORO, PUERTO GALERA FALLSsunset at White Beach Puerto Galera, puerto galera beach, white beach, best beach puerto galera, how to go to puerto galera, batangas puerto galera tripsunset at White Beach Puerto Galera, puerto galera beach, white beach, best beach puerto galera, how to go to puerto galera, batangas puerto galera trip

Day 3

Before we ended our vacation, we made the most of the day.  As early as 630am, the kiddos were already in the water and we joined them until it was time to pack our things and bid goodbye.  

It was truly a memorable vacation for the kids -- an outreach activity, a hike to the waterfalls and a 3-day swim.  Truly a WOW!

For other activities that Galera offers, visit the Puerto Galera website.

Travel Date: April 2012


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