Day 3 A Day Around Guimaras Island – The Smallest Plaza, Museo Guimaras, Trappist Abbey, Sad-Sad Falls and Guisi Lighthouse

I barely slept as hubby kept calling from time to time.  He’s flying to Iloilo to join me for the next three provinces in the itinerary.  Well, we need to ensure that he makes it to his flight.

I left my hotel at 530am for my 6am trip to Iloilo.  I was greeted by gloomy skies and ruggedly looking seas as I toddle towards the ferry.  Memories of my late father reminded me to trust the seas… trust the waves… as it will not cause you harm.  

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True enough, after two hours of a rocky-ferry ride, we sailed slowly unto Iloilo River.  I was amazed as that was my first time to see a port inside a river.  Slowly, the rough seas changed to a friendly glide and sun started to shine. Then there was hubby waving his hand.  As if we’ve parted that long… ahem

We agreed to look first for a hotel before crossing the Guimaras Strait.  We have no reservations beforehand.  We tried several pension houses until we settled for Iloilo Grand Hotel who won my ease-so-feelings over price.

Shortly before 9am, we were onboard a boat to Guimaras.  The waves were bigger this time and the clattering of the planks made the ride edgy. Thankfully, it was only a short 25 minute ride.  Whew!

boat from bacolod to iloilo, travel from bacolod to iloilo, bacolod to iloilo
iloilo to guimaras, boat from iloilo to guimaras, travel from iloilo to guimaras

At Guimaras port, a tourism officer graciously assisted our tour.  She briefed us about what Guimaras can offer and assigned us a tricycle.  We were able to negotiate for P1000 for the half-day tour including a visit to Guisi Lighthouse.

First off was Smallest Plaza with Rizal Monument at the center, then Guimaras Provincial Capitol, then Museo de Guimaras, the mango plantation and Trappist Abbey.

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guimaras capitol, guimaras provincial capitol, what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

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trappist abbey, guimaras monastery, what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

On our way to Nueva Valencia, I saw a Macopo Falls marker.  The adventurous me jolted with glee and without qualms, I inquired with Kuya Roque, our driver guide.  Instead of Mocopo, he offered Sad Sad Falls, which according to him is far taller than Macopo except that we need to trek for about 10 minutes.

Excited and all, we entered a narrow road leading to the jump-off.  In less than 10 minutes, Sad Sad’s might completed my Guimaras stance.

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guimaras waterfalls, sadsad falls guimaras, guimaras falls, what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

Like our visit to Pulacan Falls, staring at this wonder was all I afforded.  There’s always next time.  Maybe then…

It was 11am when we left the waterfalls for the lighthouse at Nueva Valencia.  It was a long one-hour drive from the city proper and the waves visible from above are far from the term “raging” and closer to “terror” at sight.

Guisi Lighthouse, lighthouses in the philippines, philippine lighthouse, what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

But then again, there goes the Guisi Lighthouse or the Faro de Punta Luzaran.  Said to be the second oldest lighthouse in the Philippines that was first lit in 1894.  A beauty that stood the test of time... history at its best.

Guisi Lighthouse, lighthouses in the philippines, philippine lighthouse, what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

Guisi Lighthouse, lighthouses in the philippines, philippine lighthouse, what to do in guimaras, guimaras tourist attractions, guimars tourist spots

After Guisi, we stopped for our late lunch in a batchoyan by the road.  There are more tourist sites and activites that Kuya Roque offered from island hopping, to old churches even savouring a mango pizza.  How I wished we had more time but for now, we were thankful that we were given calm seas for our return voyage… Until then…

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