Lutong Bahay ni Aling Cora is a seafood dampa restaurant and is located just beside Gaisano mall.  One can choose from Tipid Meals of P49 to a “paluto” of your choice.

Aling Cora lutong buhay, lutong bahay aling cora, aling cora dampa, aling cora seafood, butuan restaurant, seafood restaurant butuan

Aling Cora lutong buhay, lutong bahay aling cora, aling cora dampa, aling cora seafood, butuan restaurant, seafood restaurant butuan

Aling Cora lutong buhay, lutong bahay aling cora, aling cora dampa, aling cora seafood, butuan restaurant, seafood restaurant butuan

Among the delicacies served in the convention, my faves were the palagsing and salvaro.

Butuan delicacies, butuan palagsing, palagsing, delicacies in butuan

Butuan delicacies, butuan salvaro, salvaro, delicacies in butuan

On our last day, while I was attending the convention, hubby wandered by himself.  Below are the areas he visited.

Agusan River by the Magsaysay Bridge – from Wikipedia: The third longest river in the Philippines that ran all the way from Compostela Valley.  It measures about 177 kilometers and divided into three sub-basin: upper basin – from Compostela Valley to Santa Josefa Agusan del Sur to Veruela, Agusan del Sur; the middle basin – to Amparo, Agusan del Sur; the lower basin – to its ocean mouth in Butuan City, Agusan del Norte.

Agusan River Butuan, butuan river, agusan river, river in butuan, river in agusan

Agusan River Butuan, butuan river, agusan river, river in butuan, river in agusan

St. Joseph Cathedral – the first Catholic Church established in Mindanao.  Founded by Jesuits in 1596 and became a Cathedral by Pope Paul VI in 1967.

St. Joseph Cathedral Butuan, butuan cathedral, cathedral in butuan

St. Joseph Cathedral Butuan, butuan cathedral, cathedral in butuan

The Agusan Provincial Capitol

The Agusan Provincial Capitol

Finally, on our way to Bislig, we crossed the Macapagal Bridge (formerly Magsaysay Bridge 2).  With 882 meters length, it is the longest suspension bridge in Mindanao.  It connects the Butuan-Surigao-Davao road and Butuan-Cagayan-Iligan road.

Macapagal Bridge, macapagal suspension bridge, magsaysay bridge, suspension bridge butuan, butuan suspension bridge, butuan bridge, butuan tours, butuan city attractions

Macapagal Bridge, macapagal suspension bridge, magsaysay bridge, suspension bridge butuan, butuan suspension bridge, butuan bridge, butuan tours, butuan city attractions


Travel Date: November 2012

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